Friday, December 17, 2010

Dahal document okayed

After a long intra-party tussle, the line proposed by Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal finally prevailed in the UCPN (Maoist). Despite strong disagreement from the Vice-Chairman Baburam Bhattarai faction, the party’s Central Committee (CC) on Friday endorsed Dahal’s political document that proposes, among other things, starting preparations for a “people’s revolt” after May 28, 2011, if the constitution is not promulgated by then.

With the decision, the Bhattarai faction’s line of “peace and constitution” stands defeated. As the Mohan Baidya faction sided with Dahal in endorsing the document, Bhattarai seems to have been singled out in the party. This could lead to a possible split in the party and even polarisation in the national political landscape. Dahal had tabled the document in Friday’s CC meeting, claiming that he incorporated all major issues raised in the other two documents presented by Bhattarai and Baidya. Leaders of the Bhattarai faction termed the decision “unilateral” and said it failed to incorporate the issues and agendas presented in Bhattarai’s document. “The document is not only one-sided but also fails to identify the major contradiction and the major national priority (peace and constitution). This will take the party nowhere, but will create only confusion,” the party’s Standing Committee member Devendra Poudel said.

CC member Kul Bahadur KC said the party endorsed the document on condition that all major disagreements will be discussed in the General Convention or any similar conference of the party. According to party sources, Baidya agreed to accept Dahal’s document, except for his reservations on “evaluation of history.” The Bhattarai faction opposed it for failing to identify the party’s future strategy. The Bhattarai faction wants a logical end to the peace process, reasoning that it is the best way to consolidate the achievements made so far. Baidya and Dahal, on the other hand, have prioritised peace and statue and people’s republic through national independence.

Due to sharp differences among the top leaders, the party’s sixth plenum in Palungtar, Gorkha, had decided to forward the three documents to the Central Committee.

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