Friday, December 17, 2010

Mixed reaction of parties

Major political parties have given a mixed reaction to the Supreme Court’s decision that said lawmakers cannot “abstain” from voting in the prime ministerial election.

The UCPN (Maoist) and the Nepali Congress have welcomed it and said it is a ‘setback’ for one of the major ruling parties, the CPN-UML that abstained from voting in the election for the past four months.

The UML, however, dismissed the interpretation and expressed dissatisfaction on the SC decision.

“Our party welcomes the SC’s decision,” said Laxman Ghimire, Chief Whip of the NC. “The decision has finally proved that the UML’s stance to remain neutral in the prime ministerial elections was wrong.”

Maoist Spokesperson Dinanath Sharma said: “We hope that the decision will help end the futile elections and take the country towards a positive direction.”

UML Spokesperson Pradeep Gyawali, however, dismissed Ghimire’s argument and said the decision should not be linked to the party’s former stance. The UML had on Thursday decided not to stay neutral, but opt for a majority government.

UML leaders also went on to say that the SC unnecessarily meddled into political issues. “The SC appears to meddle in political issues rather than focusing on legal issues,” Gyawali said.

“The decision has raised a question—whether the court can compel somebody to vote or abstain from voting.”

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